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087 6530156

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.  Will projects relating to non-agricultural studies be considered for a bursary?
A.  No.  bursaries will only be awarded to projects that are deemed relevant to the ethos and interests of the Clonmel Show and broadly speaking will be in the fields of agriculture, horticulture, forestry and equine studies.

Q.  I live outside the highlighted area on the map.  Is there any way for me to qualify?
A.  Regretfully, the answer is no.  The catchment area has been defined by Clonmel Show and no applications will be accepted from outside this area.

Q.  Can I apply for bursaries for more than one project?
A.  Only one project per applicant will be considered in any one year.

Q.  Will the Clonmel Show Committee be reviewing my application?
A.  No.  The panel of adjudicators are independent of the Clonmel Show.  No member of the Clonmel Show committee shall have any input into the judging of the applications.

Q.  Can I send application by post or in hard copy?
A.  No.  Applications will only be accepted in electronic format to the following address and on the Clonmel Show & Agricultural Society Bursary application form.

Q.  I am currently out of the country and may not be ready for the application deadline.  Will late entries be accepted.
A.  The deadline is a firm one.  Applications will not be accepted after the designated time.